AI and mythology - and let's stop the spirituality flaming (was: OTagain Re: food)

From: Eric Chomko <>
Date: Thu Nov 15 12:30:58 2001

"R. D. Davis" wrote:

> In some previous message, Marvin Johston wrote:
> > Subject: OT again Re: food
> It never ceases to amaze me how messages that start out pertaining to
> classic computers can become transformed into messages about food and
> then into messages pertaining to philosophy, mythology and
> religion. :-)
> To help steer things back on-topic, is anyone here familiar with AI
> programs pertaining to mythology used on classic computers?

As in an Expert System or Neural Network program or something?

> > I can't believe there is anybody who doesn't believe in God.
> I could reply with: Hey, why'd you leave out the other half, the
> Goddess that some of us also believe in? :-) ...although perhaps some
> of us don't believe in a God and Goddess literally, but as balanced
> manifestations of the divine. However...
> Let's please not have religious warfare on this list; the world has
> seen more than enough of that.
> Some of us believe in some form, or forms, of deity literally; some of
> us take an approach similar to that of Albert Einstein, an agnostic
> approach, and just consider it all to be a mystery that we don't have
> definite knowledge of, but feel that some form of deity and afterlife
> exist and still value spirituality, etc. Are these not all just
> different paths to the same thing, with more similarites than
> differences once the dogma is stripped away? There's n benefit to
> arguing or fighting over the differences... different spiritual
> beliefs work for, and are helpful to, different people. Then, there
> are the atheiests who don't believe in the spiritual at all - but it's
> not for me to censure them for their disbelief, just as it's not right
> for them to censure anyone else for their beliefs.

Well said, I could not have said it better myself!


> --
> Copyright (C) 2001 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
> All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
> 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
> beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Thu Nov 15 2001 - 12:30:58 GMT

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