OT: paging MAC expert(s) --- What's a Performa?

From: Richard Erlacher <edick_at_idcomm.com>
Date: Thu Nov 15 20:00:16 2001

Yes, this is a fairly comprehensive site, but, wouldn't you know it, the first
thing I encountered, in looking for spec's, was that the item regarding the
Performa630CD clearly claims it uses a 68030 at 33 MHz, while the Apple doc's
and http://www.info.apple.com/info.apple.com/applespec/applespec.taf?RID=180
both seem to agree that it's an MC68LC040 (an'040 variant, (probably degraded
... it is an APPLE product, after all ...) at 66 MHz AND a '486DX2/66. I
suppose the bus speed could be the rating base rather than some invisible clock
doubler or whatever.

It's a BIG site too, in terms of variety of content, so it will take a while to
find anything/everything I need.

Anyway, I didn't find much about this MAC itself, and being pretty ignorant of
latter-day MAC hardware, I have admit I've no idea what these are good for.
I've got a new target for donating this sort of computer, but since I'm unable
to support them, and unwilling to learn to do that, in order for me to donate it
to a .org with no knowledgeable computer persons on site there has to be
considerable resident or on-line doc support. I've found lots of chaff, but
little wheat, so far. I figure that the MAC, being so widely popular with
teachers, has got to be pretty easy to learn.

It has a half-gig SCSI drive in it and a VERY small amount of DRAM. I've not
looked inside to check how much memory is actually there. This being a '95-'96
vintage product, and from Apple Computer, Inc, I imagine the modems are 2400
baud or so, so they're probably scrap. Surely there's SOMETHING of value in a
computer inside these things.

I'm trying to get away from these teensy drives, so it might not serve me to
part the thing out. If its memory is limited to 8 MB, as the Apple spec
suggests, the RAM isn't worth salvaging either. Maybe the only reasonable thing
to do is to try to make it suitable for some sort of useful work, on a small
scale, of course.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Maslin" <donm_at_cts.com>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Cc: "Richard Erlacher" <edick_at_idcomm.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: OT: paging MAC expert(s) --- What's a Performa?
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> > I had a mental lapse today and, as I was unloading the stuff in my car,
> > that I had, among the rest of the stuff, a pretty complete Mac Performa
> > This found its way into my car because it was fairly complete, i.e. included
> > keyboard/mouse, monitor, modem, color printer, cables, etc. including some
> > documentation including CD's, registration doc's, instructions, etc. I'm
> > curious what interesting hardware I should find in the box? Is the hard
> > worth salvaging? What sort of memory is likely to be found inside?
> Dick, visit www.lowendmac.com and you will likely find answers to
> all/most of your questions. It is a pretty comprehensive site.
> - don
> > Any suggestions as to how best to exploit this thing? I noticed among the
> > documentation that it apparently has the ability to process PC diskettes and
> > some PC software. What does that include?
> >
> > Dick
> >
> >
> >
Received on Thu Nov 15 2001 - 20:00:16 GMT

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