OT: paging MAC expert(s) --- What's a Performa?

From: Jeff Hellige <jhellige_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Fri Nov 16 18:29:25 2001

>There's a program (somewhere) called "FINDER," though I'm not
>convinced it's for
>the purpose of finding something. What I need to find out is how to find the
>FINDER. Then, of course, I have to figure out how to drive it ... <sigh> will
>it ever end ...

        The Finder is what you're actually looking at when you boot
the Mac and have nothing else running. It's the part of the OS that
you actually interact with, the Mac desktop. If all else fails, go
to the 'Help' menu item when the menu bar shows 'Finder' up in the
upper right corner of the screen. That'll give you system help,
including tips and such.

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Received on Fri Nov 16 2001 - 18:29:25 GMT

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