Hey guys, (and gals)
Help! : )
I'm trying to find documentation to help get my 11/780 fully operational.
The PDP-11/03 starts the internal self-test, but fails right before
actually reading the 8" floppy.
There was a diagnostic guide on E-Bay that I really wanted, and bid a
pretty decent amount on, but it seems someone else needed that document
more than I did. Oh well......
If anyone has spare or unused documentation for the VAX 11/780, please let
me know. This is needed to get my 780 back to operation. If you want links
to a site showing my 780 for proof that I indeed have one, let me know. I
realize that some don't want to give up stuff to those who will just turn
around and E-Bay it.
- Matthew Sell
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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Received on Mon Sep 10 2001 - 13:40:18 BST