OT: World Trade crash updates...

From: Chad Fernandez <fernande_at_internet1.net>
Date: Tue Sep 11 10:56:22 2001

Sellam Ismail wrote:
> All I have to say is that this country has finally done itself in with
> it's arrogance.

I disagree. Any terrorist acts are the responsibility of the
terrorists. Even if someone doesn't like what the US does or is, it is
still there decision to do acts of terrorism. It is not our fault for
making people do acts of terrorism.
> I fear this will plunge the world into war.

I could see a very targeted attack against whoever the responsible
parties are, like when we went into Panama or Libya.

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Received on Tue Sep 11 2001 - 10:56:22 BST

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