Asunto: Re: World Trade crash...

From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Wed Sep 12 11:37:47 2001

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Terry Collins wrote:

> I know nothing about flying planes, other than flight sim, but the
> thing that struck me was that both planes were turning a circle into
> the towers (one wing higher than other) and I would consider that much
> harder than follow the straight line. How hard would hitting the side
> of the Pentagon be? (45 degree descent apparently).

Maybe they knew full well that slamming into the building at an angle
would cause more damaged across more floors...

The people flying those planes knew what they were doing.

Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Received on Wed Sep 12 2001 - 11:37:47 BST

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