Tim Olmstead passed away

From: Gene Buckle <geneb_at_deltasoft.com>
Date: Thu Sep 13 01:52:20 2001

> > I saw a note over on comp.os.cpm this morning saying that
> Tim Olmstead
> > has succumbed to his cancer and passed away. Since the
> Caldera license
> > to distribute CP/M was in his name, this will affect the free
> > distribution of CP/M until someone can pry a new license out of
> > Caldera.
> Why can't someone simply inherit Tim's license and pass it on
> to someone
> else who is willing to take over? Is it non-transferrable?
Sellam, as far as I know, it doesn't even exist as a physical document.

Received on Thu Sep 13 2001 - 01:52:20 BST

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