Bill Sudbrink skrev:
>> Yes, I know exactly why it takes 15-20 minutes for postings to be
>> echoed to the list.
>> How is this a problem?
>It can make the turn-around time from question to answer
>take over an hour, resulting in time spent twiddling thumbs
>at the workbench instead of soldering. Which reminds me...
>(see next message)
Which might be quite nice for users who don't poll their mail more than once
or twice a day, since that prevents snowballing threads from building up over
a day.
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Amiga 4000/040 25MHz/64MB/20GB RetinaBLTZ3/VLab/FastlaneZ3/Ariadne/Toccata
Received on Fri Sep 14 2001 - 19:15:13 BST