Anyone want an 11/750 & 11/730 out of New Jersey?

From: Bob Brown <>
Date: Mon Sep 17 08:12:00 2001

What happened regarding the desktop hp3000 that was being discussed?


>Brian Hechinger wrote:
>>On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 05:04:52PM -0500, Gunther Schadow wrote:
>>>I don't know what happened! I thought the person who had it
>>>might have had contact with Brian directly? And then bad
>>>things had happened Tuesday. I have bcc-ed her once again.
>>>Kathleen, did anyone pick up those VAXen and HP 3000?
>>i'm sorry, i wasn't clear enough. i'll be picking up the VAXen,
>>but i have no
>>need for the HP. i was wondering if it was figured out who wanted it.
>We had two claims for it. One from Bob Schaefer, who said you'd
>come to his place on your tour. One was Lee Courtney, who would
>have to ship to CA. I'm sure Lee would arrange the shipment from
>wherever it is, I just thought, may be, Kathleen might want it
>out of her way with all the other stuff.
>It's up to you. Lee? It sounded like Bob would not genuinely
>absolutely ache for the HP. Lee would want to donate it to a
>school. On the other hand, Lee would need to ship it accross
>the country. Lee, what would be your shipping arrangements?
>Here are the "winners" according to my notes:
>VAX 11/730 - John Allain
>VAX 11/750 - Sridhar, Vance, Master of all that Sucks, Absurdly Obtuse
>HP 3000 - Lee or Bob
>But of course this is all subject to Kathleen if and when she
>wants these machines taken. Did you have any contacts with
>Kathleen now, Brian?
>Gunther Schadow, M.D., Ph.D.
>Medical Information Scientist Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
>Adjunct Assistant Professor Indiana University School of Medicine
>tel:1(317)630-7960 #### #### Bob Brown - KB9LFR
Harper Community College ## ## ## Systems Administrator
Palatine IL USA #### #### Saved by grace
Received on Mon Sep 17 2001 - 08:12:00 BST

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