CPU design at the gate level

From: emanuel stiebler <emu_at_ecubics.com>
Date: Fri Sep 21 10:30:10 2001

Tom Uban wrote:
> The book: "Computer Organization & Design, The Hardware/Software Interface",
> by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy is a pretty thorough modern book.
> I don't know where to find a bit-slice design book these days.

Two books, which are still smiling at me from the bookshelf here

Try to find this one:

- "Bit Slice Design:Controllers and ALU's"
   by Donnamaie E. White ISBN 0-8240-7103-4

Most of this book was online at some time, I didn't find it today :-(
(but i didn't look too hard)
She (?) should have a webpage somewhere.

the other one is:

- "Bit Slice Microprocessor Design" by Mick and Brick
   ISBN 0-07-041781-4

It is probably online somewhere.

cheers & have fun,
Received on Fri Sep 21 2001 - 10:30:10 BST

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