Icom Attache up for auction

From: Rich Beaudry <r_beaudry_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Tue Sep 25 07:36:35 2001

Hello all,

I never thought I'd say this here, but then I also never thought I'd see
what I saw on 09/11... My ICOM Attache is up for auction on eBay.

It is an "Auction for America" item, which means that I do not see a single
penny of proceeds. I have elected for the winning bid to be donated to the
September 11th Fund.

The Attache is NOT complete, so see the description and pictures for more
details... It does include some documentation and schematics


It was hard to give this up, but it was a cakewalk compared to what others
have lost.

Bidding was already up to $202.50 this morning, but I hope someone will go

Also, some of you might consider doing the same. I didn't have a spare $202
in cash, but I did have this computer to donate the proceeds...

Rich B.
Received on Tue Sep 25 2001 - 07:36:35 BST

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