Soldering and other skills (was Re: QL-Quality (Was: ZX-81 Question))

From: Stan Barr <>
Date: Mon Apr 1 06:08:37 2002


Dave McGuire <> said:
> On March 31, John Chris Wren wrote:
> > It's true. The mercury was used to stiffen the brims. Chronic hat wearers
> > also had problems.
> So does anyone have any idea how much lead is present in the vapors
> produced by soldering? I know (for our kind of stuff, anyway) the
> smoke is mostly flux and crap, but is there much lead in there?
> I solder a *lot*, especially lately...I'm wondering if I should be
> concerned.

I've been soldering now for around 45 years, and I used to do a lot
of bullet casting so I've handled a *lot* of lead in my time.
I was taken ill a few years ago with some symptons that could be
remotely explained by heavy metal poisoning so I was thoroughly tested.
My lead levels were right on the average for someone living in an
urban environment. So if you're sensible I don't see a problem.
Don't eat sandwiches while you're soldering...and wash your hands when
you're done ;-) Lead in gasoline (petrol over here) was a bigger

Resin flux is a known carcinogen, so don't breathe the fumes.
Stan Barr
The future was never like this!
Received on Mon Apr 01 2002 - 06:08:37 BST

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