> So after a lot of deliberation over the Computers in 1986 thread. I
>decided on some that would work for me.
> If anyone has one of the following please let me know:
>Apple IIgs
I (along with probably many others), can deal you an Apple IIgs if you
wish. However, I do NOT have any complete systems I can part with, just
CPUs (I own only one complete system, so that is mine, but I aquired 4
CPUs not so long ago, and they are currently just taking up space in my
I might also have either 3.5" and/or 5.25" drives to go with the CPUs (I
have to check what is in the box). But I know for a fact that I do not
have any monitors or keyboards or mice (although, in all 3 cases, generic
Mac equipment will work, ie: any RGB monitor will work, or a plain
composite monitor, and any ADB mouse and keyboard will work)
Received on Tue Apr 02 2002 - 09:42:31 BST