>On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Don Caprio wrote:
>> Any ex employee's of Science Dynamics (Torrance, Ca) out there? Jeff, Neil,
>> Ralph, Dave, and Less are you there?
>I know of a Science Dynamics in New Jersey that does inmate telephone
>systems. Is this a genuine coincidence or is it possibly the same
I started working for Science Dynamics in 1972. The company had been around
for about five years when I joined. After I left in 81 the company was
bought by McDonald Douglas (I think). McDonald Douglas had it for a while
ran it into the ground and then it was repurchased by the Ex-CEO. Don't
know what happened to it after that.
> Science Dynamics Corporation (SciDyn) has been developing and delivering
> technologically advanced telecommunication solutions for years. The name
> SciDyn may be new to you, but weve been in business now for 25 years. Our
> solutions are installed in 18 countries around the world and currently
> process more than 250 million minutes per month.
I'm sure the common names are just a coincidence.
Received on Thu Apr 04 2002 - 02:25:09 BST