Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, James B. DiGriz wrote:
>>I don't know John, but I think Doug covered this one pretty well
>>already. He's an ex-con. In our culture, even just being accused of a
>>crime is a big sign plastered to your back, saying, justly or not, "I am
>>a loser." If you maintain your innocence, or unrepentence, or even just
>>your worth as a human being, you can also very easily wave that sign in
>>people's faces, if you aren't very careful. Not saying that it isn't
>>worthwhile. Just that there's a stigma there, one which most people fear
>>is contagious, and may well be in some cases. Which is not an accident,
>>nor benign, but we are off-topic enough here, so I won't go into that.
> One's impression of John Draper has nothing at all to do with this. It's
> more of his creepy propensity to hit on anything with two legs (generally)
> within eyesight.
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> * Old computing resources for business and academia at *
Didn't know, Sellam. I have followed the "Cap'n Crunch" legend over the
years, but nothing I'd read indicated anything like that. If it's going
to be a topic of discussion, accurate information is better than what
could be confused with malicious gossip or worse, so I thank you for
providing the facts, and I think we are all quite adequately informed at
this point.
Received on Thu Apr 04 2002 - 13:00:26 BST