TTL computing

From: Ben Franchuk <>
Date: Wed Apr 10 10:50:14 2002

"Peter C. Wallace" wrote:

> Actually It's not that bad, recompiling my Sweet16 16 bit CPU takes
> only about 5 minutes using Xilinx tools (on a fast machine though) The tools
> are available free (webpack). The tools do require Windows, but some people
> have reported success using them under WINE on Linux.

Details ... I want to know that ISA. :)

> Nah, there 100's of them in a $19.00 FPGA...

Nope Just the X brand of FPGA's. I use the A-brand of FPGA's because at
the time the 10K10 was the only chip that looked BIG in a low cost FPGA
kit. ( 2 years ago ). They don't have 16 bit dual port memory like X.

I may do a CPU design with PLD's rather than one large FPGA as they have
two advantages 1) They can be programed externaly and stay that way 2)
they are about the right submodule size --- uart , floppy disk, bit
slice for playing around with custom logic.

Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
Received on Wed Apr 10 2002 - 10:50:14 BST

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