The CommodoreOne is near!

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Thu Apr 11 19:52:25 2002

> Now if they continue on in the Commodore tradition, it will either sell
> like hotcakes and they will keep cutting the prices until there is one
> in every garage and yard sale. And of course there will be NO hardware
> or software support of any kind. A massive cult following will
> continue interest long after the corporation goes bankrupt on a yearly
> basis.

Ah, but Commodore isn't making it. A homebrew user is.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Jesus at a disco: "Help! I've risen and I can't get down!" -----------------
Received on Thu Apr 11 2002 - 19:52:25 BST

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