> We are proud to announce that we have designed and implemented a fully
> working Ethernet adapter for the Commodore 64. We call our design TFE
> - The Final Ethernet (a pun on the name of the TFC :-). It consists of the
> Embedded Ethernet board from Systor Vest AS
> (http://www.embeddedethernet.com/) and a single 74LS139 decoder chip
> mounted on a custom made printed circuit board.
> To show off our card, we have connected a TFE-equipped C64 to the
> Internet. It is running the uIP TCP/IP stack
> (http://dunkels.com/adam/uip/) including the web server as well as a
> real-time streaming audio server that streams audio sampled from the
> Datasette player. It can be reached at http://tfe.c64.org/.
> More information, including pictures of the cartridge, PCB layouts,
> and source code can be found at http://dunkels.com/adam/tfe/.
> Note that this is not the same Ethernet adapter that Bo Zimmerman
> talked about a few weeks ago.
> Adam Dunkels and Peter Eliasson
> April 12, 2002
> --
> Adam Dunkels <adam_at_sics.se>
> http://www.sics.se/~adam
> Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list
Like, this is too COOL!!!!!!
Received on Fri Apr 12 2002 - 08:49:33 BST