Well, googling to see what a 'LS170 was, I found this place that has them,
along with a 'LS181!
Even at a decent price, too.
Looks like I found a new IC supplier :). Of course, they don't say that
they're _in_stock_, but I'm willing to bet they do carry them.
-- Pat
On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Ben Franchuk wrote:
> Richard Erlacher wrote:
> > Using a PROM to implement a combinatorial path has always been the most costly
> > way to do it. I don't think it was as common as you suggest. Such an
> > application is likely to lead to very sparse ROM utilization. The ROM has a
> > fixed Or and fixed AND array, hence has to have many more registers in it than
> > a programmable logic device capable of the same logic, and, likewise, many
> > more than the equivalent logic implemented discretely in SSI/MSI logic.
> How ever the ROM does contain ALL the possible states compared to PAL's
> or discrete logic.
> BTW B.G micro does sell 74LS170's, and AM2901's.
> --
> Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
> www.jetnet.ab.ca/users/bfranchuk/index.html
Received on Fri Apr 12 2002 - 10:18:31 BST