> From: pat_at_cart-server.purdueriots.com
> Well, googling to see what a 'LS170 was, I found this place that has
> along with a 'LS181!
Google? Hmm, no offence or anything, but I find an ECG book to be a lot
handier for looking up general specs.
> Even at a decent price, too.
> http://www.web-tronics.com/ls181.html
Thanks for the pointer. I must wonder, though, if there's *something wrong
with this picture* -- Web-Tronics lists the 'LS170 at 50 cents, MCM has it
at $4. I know MCM is high, but this seems like too much of a spread.
Received on Sun Apr 14 2002 - 15:56:33 BST