Tinnerman nuts

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon Apr 15 15:02:36 2002

--- David Woyciesjes <DAW_at_yalepress3.unipress.yale.edu> wrote:
> Carl ---
> That's close, but what I'm looking for clips around the rails, not
> into the hole, which is round. This looks almost exactly like it, at the
> bottom of the page...
> "Palnut Multi-Thread U-Nut"
> http://www.tt-ec.com/showcase/retaining/palunut.html
> ..that's it, I think...

That doesn't exactly resemble the ones I'm used to seeing - as mentioned,
the difference appears to be "bolt" vs "screw" fastening.

> > From: Carl Lowenstein
> >
> > You would be happier with the type of fastener that uses real machine
> > screws rather than the sheet-metal type screws that some racks have.
> > There is a nice picture of them on the Tinnerman Web site at
> >
> > < http://www.tt-ec.com/showcase/nutbolt/nutretcat.html >

I've used plenty of these with modern racks, but since DEC racks have
round mounting holes, not square, the rack-mount nuts I have more
closely resemble these -


... but with a u-shaped cutout to snap into place in a round hole.


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Received on Mon Apr 15 2002 - 15:02:36 BST

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