DELQA/DEQNA Cab Kits question

From: Eric Dittman <>
Date: Mon Apr 15 22:38:10 2002

> > They are? I'm pretty sure I used a DEQNA cabinet kit with a
> > DELQA on a MVII for years.
> It would also help explain why I've got 2 DELQA's without cab kits, and an
> extra DEQNA Cab Kit.

The DELQA in the MVII (actually, there were two) was an upgrade
from a DEQNA, and all that was shipped was the board. This
was during the discounted DEQNA->DELQA upgrade DEC had during
the release of VMS V5.x that desupported the DEQNA.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at
Received on Mon Apr 15 2002 - 22:38:10 BST

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