OT email response format (was Re: TTL computing)

From: Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
Date: Tue Apr 16 06:55:03 2002

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Andy Holt wrote:

> The old guard point out the RFC as justification for their attitude - but
> then it was written before the more modern tools became popular.

  Define "popular." It's obviously not popular on this list. And,
unlike a lot of 733T H4x0Rz, I tend to agree with RFC/Netiquette
compliance just because it _is_ the standard.

> In complex cases bottom (interleaved) posting is necessary, and I have used
> that technique in this case (even though it is not really necessary) to
> minimise the heat in the flame war.

  The implication there is that you can see the complexity coming in a
thread's infancy. Wow. You're way ahead of me, there.

Received on Tue Apr 16 2002 - 06:55:03 BST

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