Need Burroughs Tape Spec's

From: Douglas H. Quebbeman <>
Date: Tue Apr 16 09:24:51 2002

> UPS delivered my Burroughs tape unit model BU4180 yesterday
> but it was destroyed. They must have dropped it from a high
> place as this thing weighs in at almost 80 pounds. Things
> inside are pretty bad but I would like to try and get it
> looking nice again, since the boards inside are damaged I
> do not think I can get it to work again. Does anyone on the
> list have repair manual for this model? I would like to see
> how he belts go around the pulleys inside the case. Thanks

You are admirably mellow. In lieu of tasting the blood of
the a**hole who did this, I'd want everyone who handled
that package fired from UPS, Hell, everyone who *might*
have handled it, except for the one I'd have the rapport
with, the delivery guy.

Don't tell me this was a 7-track drive, or I'll weep


-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (DougQ at [Call me "Doug"]
  Surgically excise the pig-latin from my e-mail address in order to reply
  "The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away." -Tom Waits
Received on Tue Apr 16 2002 - 09:24:51 BST

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