Hi Rich and All
I found a list book as well in my pile but I'm glad
someone else has it up on the net. I was concerned about
copying it because of the weak binding.
Looking at the other AIM-65 stuff I have, I found
ROMs for BASIC, Forth and PASCAL. I have manuals for
the BASIC and Forth is Forth so doesn't need a manual
but I have no manual for the PASCAL. I can make dumps
of these ROM's if there is interest.
>From: "Cini, Richard" <RCini_at_congressfinancial.com>
>If you look on my Web site, I have scans of all of the AIM manuals as well
>as the monitor listing, schematics and ROM dumps.
>Richard A. Cini, Jr.
>Congress Financial Corporation
>1133 Avenue of the Americas
>30th Floor
>New York, NY 10036
>(212) 545-4402
>(212) 840-6259 (facsimile)
Received on Thu Apr 18 2002 - 12:01:01 BST