The Unit (was: One-upsmanship (was: Secret Mac))

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Thu Apr 18 13:43:38 2002

Soo, I looked around, here's the number for the Z1,
the first Zuse machine, 100% machanical.

area: ~ 4 m^2
weight: ~500 kg
power: ~1000w
memory: 220 bits (10 floating point words of 22 bits)
speed: 0,2 IPS (clockfrequency 1 Hz, and about 5 clocks for a multiplication)

this comes up to
45,45 kZ (kilozuse)

Quite an extraordinary number due the fact of real low storage and speed,
not so much of size and weight.

His next (real) Machine is quite different

Z3 electromechanical:
area: 6 m^3 (including operator desk)
weight: 1000 kg
power: 4000 w
memory 1408 bits (64 22 bit words)
speed: 0,33- 1,4 IPS (3 seconds per multiplication, 0,7 per addition)

51,7 kZ to 12,2 kZ

Nice numbers, but to much memory :)

His next machine, the Z4, although in size, weight and power
like the Z3 is already 30 times faster, barely gets around a
Kilozuse ...

Well, the rest ist History.


VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Thu Apr 18 2002 - 13:43:38 BST

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