Hans Franke wrote:
> Soo, I looked around, here's the number for the Z1,
> the first Zuse machine, 100% machanical.
> area: ~ 4 m^2
> weight: ~500 kg
> power: ~1000w
> memory: 220 bits (10 floating point words of 22 bits)
> speed: 0,2 IPS (clockfrequency 1 Hz, and about 5 clocks for a multiplication)
> this comes up to
> 45,45 kZ (kilozuse)
> Quite an extraordinary number due the fact of real low storage and speed,
> not so much of size and weight.
> His next (real) Machine is quite different
> Z3 electromechanical:
> area: 6 m^3 (including operator desk)
> weight: 1000 kg
> power: 4000 w
> memory 1408 bits (64 22 bit words)
> speed: 0,33- 1,4 IPS (3 seconds per multiplication, 0,7 per addition)
> 51,7 kZ to 12,2 kZ
> Nice numbers, but to much memory :)
> His next machine, the Z4, although in size, weight and power
> like the Z3 is already 30 times faster, barely gets around a
> Kilozuse ...
> Well, the rest ist History.
Well what about the rest of the classic machines?
Lets not forget DA-Blinking-Lights some where in the UNIT.
Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
Received on Thu Apr 18 2002 - 18:28:39 BST