OT: Myths Persist Forever

From: Sridhar the POWERful <vance_at_ikickass.org>
Date: Sat Apr 20 05:30:12 2002

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Douglas H. Quebbeman wrote:

> I can cut/copy text from any GIU program and paste into any text window.
> I can cut/copy text from any text windows into any GUI program.
> I can format floppies while running IE5.5, Outlook98, and OE5.5, with a
> Modula-2 programming environment running and a copy of the CDC 6000
> emulator running the Chippewa Operating System.
> Under Windows 2000. On an 800MHz P-III w/256MB of RAM. Not a killer
> machine.
> Windows sucks for anough real reasons that it's really not necessary
> to perpetuate myths and half-truths....

We're talking about much older Windows than 2000 and much slower machine
than a PIII-800.

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Sat Apr 20 2002 - 05:30:12 BST

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