AS/400s in the Champaign area

From: Dave McGuire <>
Date: Sat Apr 20 11:42:24 2002

On April 20, Sridhar the POWERful wrote:
> > Umm, I have to disagree with you there...the machines in question are
> > indeed of a mainframe architecture, and some IBMers were calling them
> > "servers" many years before the zSeries was even an itch in IBM's
> > pants.
> That's a mighty big itch.


> > Regardless of what industry buzzwords the marketroids are trying to
> > take advantage of...those machines implement the S/390 architecture,
> > which is a mainframe architecture descended from mainframe
> > architectures.
> Actually, those machines don't implement ESA/390. They implement z/Arch.
> But z/Arch definitely evolved from ESA/390 R4.

  My was my impression that z/Architecture is very similar
to that of ESA/390, more so than the other evolutionary steps in the
S/360->S/390 family architectures.


Dave McGuire                                 "Mmmm.  Big."
St. Petersburg, FL                                -Den
Received on Sat Apr 20 2002 - 11:42:24 BST

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