I was trying not to get drawn into this flamewar, but I just couldn't
stand still listening to this.
On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> No, I wouldn't pay that much, but I wouldn't pay out more than, say $25 for
> all the UNIX boxes on the planet either, and that only if they were already
Hmm. I would pay $25 for any Unix box faster than a 85MHz Sun
SparcStation 5. Maybe it's just me.
> broken down into their varous scrap types, e.g. steel, aluminum, plastics,
> etc. I've yet to see even one piece of software that would be of serious use
> to me that runs under UNIX. I know that I could force myself to use Netscape,
Netscape sucks. Look at Mozilla (
http://www.mozilla.org) or Konqueror if
you want something that's not a resource hog.
I'll enumerate some 'useful apps'...
http://www.openoffice.org (Great office suite)
http://www.xmms.org (like WinAMP)
http://gaim.sourceforge.net (cross-service IM client)
if you want to see more useful apps, check out freshmeat.net. You can use
that to find a *ton* of OSS or other apps that run on *nix.
Debian is really cool -
http://www.debian.org, especially with it's 'apt'
package tool.
> but I really don't want to.
This is the same stupid attitude that a few IT higher-ups have in Purdue's
School of Education that is preventing anything other than Mac or Windows
servers/workstations from being used/supported. [ Of course, they'll
support Mac OS X, which is basically BSD. Go figure. ]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Doc" <doc_at_mdrconsult.com>
> I doubt anyone willing to make the inane comments you've made so far could
> provide any sort of support.
Huh? Hmm I guess you're complaining that Doc isn't a part of the M$ cult.
> > Really high-end PC hardware isn't much better than midrange, but
> > low-end hardware is a verifiable black hole. To wit, it is guaranteed
> > to suck.
> >
> Low-end would cost on the order of $150.
> You'd starve on our service work.
Show me a new computer that will last one month past its warranty period
that costs $150. Packard Bell is great for delivering DOA machines, and
is known for delivering cheap machines. Show me a *nix vendor that sells
ANYWHERE as bad quality machines as major PC vendors like PB. I'm pretty
sure you can't do it. I've looked for a cheap vendor for Linux Intel/AMD
machines and haven't found one.
-- Pat
Received on Sun Apr 21 2002 - 21:22:15 BST