Micro$oft Biz'droid Lusers (was: OT email response format)

From: pat_at_cart-server.purdueriots.com <(pat_at_cart-server.purdueriots.com)>
Date: Mon Apr 22 01:20:56 2002

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> Friendlier OS' (e.g. Windows) have equivalent tools that are less onerous in
> the demands they place on the user. Just ask the typical programmer what a
> "regular expression" is. Better yet, give him a task requiring the use of
> grep for a list of, say, 100 words and phrases. When he complains after about
> a week that he's not made much progress, THEN ask him what a regular
> expression is.

*I* wouldn't call them a programmer if they couldnt figure that out. I'd
tell them to go back to school and get a *real* education. F*ck, I'm a
junior in CompE at Purdue and am pretty good at playing with RegExp's.
Just because a person says they're a programmer doesn't make them one.
Would you like to have your surgeon tell you 'I don't know exactly how to
stich you up, so I'm going to have my mother sew you up'? A programmer
that doesn't understand simple concepts like RegExp's shouldn't be trying
to program. Period.

-- Pat
Received on Mon Apr 22 2002 - 01:20:56 BST

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