Anyone Care About RT-11

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Mon Apr 22 20:35:15 2002

--- "Jerome H. Fine" <> wrote:
> By the way, for myself, I would VERY much appreciate
> being in touch with all individuals who have a copy of the
> RT-11 Freeware CD V2.0 so that we might exchange
> information about RT-11. Tim Shoppa felt that he might
> be violating privacy concerns if he made the names, of those
> who ordered the CD, available.

I can appreciate Tim's discretion, but I don't mind it being known
that I ordered a copy from him.

As I stated recently, I used to make my living with RT-11, but am
now merely a hobbyist. I happen to have a real distro of v5.3 on RX50
media from the old days, plus some v4.x stuff on RK05 cartridge and
probably some (original) 2.x stuff on RX01.

> PLUS, as for TSX-PLUS, I am going to try again to knock
> at the door of S&H to see what they may consider for
> hobby users.

Thank you.


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Received on Mon Apr 22 2002 - 20:35:15 BST

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