R.I.P. for D.I.Y."

From: Douglas H. Quebbeman <dquebbeman_at_acm.org>
Date: Thu Apr 25 07:17:49 2002

> At 09:50 PM 4/24/02 -0400, Doug asked:
> >
> >
> >Where will I buy water wetter?
> E-bay.
> >Where will I buy Nitonol wire?
> E-bay.
> >Where will I buy flock paper?
> E-bay.
> >Where will I buy cheap assortment of lab glassware?
> E-bay.
> >Where will I buy an ultrasonic cleaner?
> E-bay.
> >Where will I buy a good Chinese microscope?
> E-bay.
> >
> >and so on...
> Take a guess!


I am not rich enough to be able to take E-Bay into the
bathroom with me... Having an Edmund catalog kept me
from having to resort to National Geographic... ;)

-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (DougQ at ixnayamspayIgLou.com) [Call me "Doug"]
  Surgically excise the pig-latin from my e-mail address in order to reply
  "The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away." -Tom Waits
Received on Thu Apr 25 2002 - 07:17:49 BST

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