"Toy" computers (was Re: Micro$oft Biz'droid Lusers)

From: Sridhar the POWERful <vance_at_ikickass.org>
Date: Thu Apr 25 12:00:17 2002

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Bryan Pope wrote:

> > Doesn't the notion of a time line mean anything to you? In the 20 years since
> > the period to which I was referring things have changed considerably since the
> > density of hardware has increased so much. It makes little sense for vendors
> > to sell things separately and become huge and difficult to handle just to sell
> > a little more plastic, when they really don't need to be bigger than a cigar
> > box.
> >
> > The grandkids have Playstations. Adults might want 'em too, since some of the
> > games are pretty slick. I don't relate to that, myself, but I know lots of
> > folks enjoy a game as a form of diversion. I don't think anybody would
> > mistake one for a computer though it wouldn't surprise me to learn that
> > somebody somewhere had figured out how to make it run Linux. I just can't
> > imagine why one would want to.
> Here it is:
> Linux for PlayStation 2 Community: Home
> http://www.playstation2-linux.com

I believe NetBSD also runs on Playstation 2.

Peace... Sridhar

"How do you fight such a savage?"
"With heart, faith, and steel.  There can be only one."
	-MacLeod and Ramirez, "Highlander"
Received on Thu Apr 25 2002 - 12:00:17 BST

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