> > BTW: Yall, keep in Mind, all VCFe speeches are available live over the
> > net !
> How do I watch these, and when are they, please?
Well, go for the Webpages, klick on VCFe live and you'll get a selection.
Schedule is on the agenda page (VCFe 3.0). All times are in MESZ - German
daylight saveing time (UTC +2) - so for the east coast subtract 6 hours,
for the weat coast, 9h.
Well, the timeing is maybe a bit bad for the US folks. Therefore we also
pan to archive all speeches online, so you may access the saved files
as soon as 45 minutes after each speech.
All encodinging will be MP3 with 32 kBit.
The streaming server is connected via a 34 MBit line, so no fear of
cognestions :)
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
Received on Fri Apr 26 2002 - 05:05:17 BST