Some new finds and Some Wanted Items

From: Chris <>
Date: Fri Apr 26 15:01:04 2002

>Thanks but I already have 2 LC550's in the collection. These 34 or so
>are the one's I really need to make it complete. It started out as 103
>models but now because models I didn't know about but have picked over
>the years it may end up over 150 different models. I will print the
>list once the collection is done. Thanks for the offer.

You are being a little more religious than I. I just want one of every
major model (so Performa 475, LC 475 or Quadra 605, doesn't matter to me,
since they are all the same model... also I'm not going after getting a
475,476,478 or other submodels).

I am sure once I get one of every major model, I will then probably
follow in your footsteps and try to get one of everything out there.


Received on Fri Apr 26 2002 - 15:01:04 BST

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