> From: r. 'bear' stricklin <red_at_bears.org>
> On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> > The year I got my first PC/AT (I used 'em at work all the time, but
didn't get
> > one at home for a while.) I bought a 25 MHz clone (NEAT architecture)
with 8
> > MB RAM and a pair of 700 MB ESDI drives for $1080. That was with a
> > VGA display board. I hacked it to work with a fixed-frequency
> > monitor I had sitting around. It was WONDERFUL. That was in early
['bear' replied:]
> This struck me as being blatantly wrong, since it seemed to me (if I
> recalled) that in early 1989 your 8 MB of RAM would've run nearly $1k by
> itself.
> So I checked the January 1990 issue of "Byte". These are directly from
> cheap ads at the back, and representative of prices a year (loosely)
> after your conjectured purchase date:
[snip prices]
> I admit some margin of error is to be expected, but these
> fully eight or nine months after your stated date---do not come close to
> corroborating your statements. In consideration of this, I must humbly
> submit that you are totally full of shit, or at the very least have made
> grave typographical error.
>From my files, an invoice from 1990:
25 MHz 80386, motherboard, case, power supply, 4MB RAM, 1.44 MB FDD, 100MB
HD, no i/o, no video, no modem
$1450, which is exactly in line with the prices you quoted.
Ah, but we must remember that Richard buys Windows for $2. He never pays
what we have to pay, nor does he stoop to using bullshit systems like we do
(Apple, C64, Unix, Amiga).
Richard Erlacher is simply a troll. Or an Alzheimer's victim. Or both.
Yes, he has some "stuff" which he will sometimes share, but it's hardly
worth the amount of crap we put up with here, not to mention that his
crappy posts are deliberately formatted in a way which most classiccmpers
find hard to read.
> As for the rest of you honking geese
Just a minute here! Some of my best friends are geese!
Received on Sun Apr 28 2002 - 00:47:43 BST