Toshiba T3100/20

From: Charles E. Fox <>
Date: Sun Apr 28 05:54:44 2002

At 09:57 AM 28/04/2002 +0100, you wrote:

> wrote:
> > I have a secondhand T3100/20 and on the left hand side, the side where
>I have one of those fine old plasma-screen machines, too!
> > the hard drive is, next to the A,B,PRT switch there is a small DIN
> > socket.
> > Does anyone know what this does?
>I think it's a socket for an external keyboard. Some early laptops
>were fitted with sockets like this so that you could plug in a
>bigger keyboard or a numeric keypad. I don't think the modem has
>a DIN-style plug -- look for an RJ-11 socket for that (square, not
>round like the DIN).
>John Honniball

Sorry, gents, there is no built in modem on the 3100/20. The Serial B port
is another serial port, an RS232 receptacle for a modem or serial printer.
The A-B-Prt switch is to set the parallel port to A or B, external floppy
drive, or PRT for printer.


                         Charlie Fox

                                 Charles E. Fox Video Production
                                         793 Argyle Rd.
                                 Windsor Ontario Canada N8Y 3J8
                                 Check out the "Camcorder Kindergarten"
Received on Sun Apr 28 2002 - 05:54:44 BST

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