Starting point

From: Glen Goodwin <>
Date: Sun Apr 28 23:20:53 2002

> From: Tony Duell <>

> There was one big advantage to starting from a home computer rather than
> just a CPU chip. You had a 'base system' that included enough software to

> PEEK/POKE bytes to your homebrew add-on for testing. That alone made life

> a lot easier when you wwre starting out.

Tony! This is exactly the point I was making a few months ago about the
ZX81. At that time, you said you'd prefer to start with a Z80 and build up
from there, while I suggested that the ZX81 was a better starting point for
a homebrew system since the BASIC and video were built-in.

Care to clarify?

Received on Sun Apr 28 2002 - 23:20:53 BST

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