Harddisks with SA1000 interface

From: P.Gebhardt_at_gmx.de <(P.Gebhardt_at_gmx.de)>
Date: Thu Aug 1 05:16:07 2002

Thanks alot for your answers !
So the Apollo ,the Xerox Star and the S-100 Compupro are able to read these
Hmm, yes Joe, I intended to get such a machine for the drives, but I think
that it will be quite impossible.
And the Micropolis 1222 drive seems to be a really rare thing as nobody
could give me a hint.

The drives will probably way for the day, they'll be connected to such a
machine which could take a long time...

Anyway, thank you !


> Pierre,
> The S-100 Compupro computers supported the SA1000 interface. I have a
> friend of mine that has one in his system. FWIW I have an Intel
> Multibus card that also supports it but I don't have any software that
> supports that card and I don't know enough details about the card to write
> necessary drivers. I recently got a hard drive for the Intel MDS 225. It
> has an 8' hard drive in it but I haven't opened it up to see what kind. I
> think it may use the iSBC 216 controller but I haven't checked.
> FWIW I have two Quantum 2040s that I'm saving for that specail project.
> BUT my guess is that in order to read those drives you're going to have
> to mount them on the system that they were used on. I doubt any other
> system will read them.
> Joe
> At 07:23 PM 7/31/02 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hello everybody !
> >
> >A Micropolis 8" HDD (1222-i), I got 1 year ago and anaother Quantum 8"
> drive
> >(Q2020) are equipped with a SA1000 Interface. I'd like to test (and save)
> >them but I don't know wich systems support that kind of interface.
> >Does anybody know any systems, which support these drives ?
> >
> >I found manuals for the Quantum drive but I found nothing for the
> Micropolis
> >drive on google. What is the configuration for the power connector ?
> >
> >Thanks alot for any help !
> >
> >Pierre
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> >http://www.gmx.net
> >
> >

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
Received on Thu Aug 01 2002 - 05:16:07 BST

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