OT: Digital Watch Recommendations?

From: Chris <mythtech_at_mac.com>
Date: Fri Aug 2 10:28:01 2002

>>Possibly. These were made in 1985 and cost around $500, new. I don't
>>have Mac software or cables, though.
>>The interface box doubles as a real-time clock for the Apple II. It was
>>made by Applied Engineering.
>Humm... I don't remember the one I am thinking of having an interface
>box. I think it just had a mini-din 8 to 1/32" phono plug that plugged
>into the side of the watch.
>Maybe the one I am thinking of was a repackaged version (or an updated
>version). I'll have to do some searching to see what I can find.

Ok, I found this on it (I didn't mean to send my other email until I was
done searching). This is from an old TidBits newsletter:

Neatest Product: The WristMac, from Ex Machina (published by Microseeds 
Publishing), is a Seiko wristwatch that stores up to 80 two-line 
"screens" of data, such as phone numbers, appointments, and to-do lists, 
complete with an interface cable that connects to a Mac serial ports, so 
you can use the included HyperCard 2.0 stack to enter and manipulate the 
data. You can even have the watch's alarm function alert you of the 
appointments that you've entered into the database.
There is a picture here (not a good one) 
It sounds like it might have been an off shoot of the same watch made for 
the Apple II.
Received on Fri Aug 02 2002 - 10:28:01 BST

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