OT: Digital Watch Recommendations?

From: R. D. Davis <rdd_at_rddavis.org>
Date: Sat Aug 3 12:11:00 2002

Quothe Merle K. Peirce, from writings of Sat, Aug 03, 2002 at 11:31:33AM -0400:
> Have you ever tried to find a watch the only tells time? A bit of a

Doing so isn't easy. To get started, here's one source for such a
watch: The Vermont Country Store - they have an intereting printed
catalogue with many hard to find items in it, and a quick search just
resulted in discovering that they also have a web site:


> I especially care for the time in Latvia or Botswana. I'm not entirely
> convinced I need a timepiece with more than one hand, anyway.

Ok, what you need then is a sundial! Heck, even just looking at the
relative position of the sun in the sky is good enough for me. Why bother
and complicate life by worrying about the exact hour? :-)

> I'm inclined to get my grandfather's Hamilton overhauled.

Good idea - they're nice watches.

Copyright (C) 2002 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reserved            an unnatural belief that we're above Nature & 
rdd_at_rddavis.org  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org         beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Sat Aug 03 2002 - 12:11:00 BST

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