Differences between the Double Eurocard and VME

From: Jochen Kunz <jkunz_at_unixag-kl.fh-kl.de>
Date: Mon Aug 5 14:16:01 2002

On 2002.08.05 20:01 Ram Meenakshisundaram wrote:

[some HTML stuff that I am not willing to parse]
Please send mails as plain ACSII Text to this list. Thanks.

Judging from the subject: You are messing up a mechanical standard for
PCBs and a electrical standard of a bus system. A Eurocard doesn't need
to be a VME card. But as VME uses the Eurocard mechanical standard for
its physical dimensions, a VME card is a Eurocard. You may read the very
informative VMEbus FAQ at http://www.vita.com/vmefaq/index.html

Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Mon Aug 05 2002 - 14:16:01 BST

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