----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Finnegan" <pat_at_purdueriots.com>
To: <cctalk_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 09:04 PM
Subject: Re: Blowing Up Old Computers
> OK, this flame war is getting out of hand... Personally I dont see
> anything wrong with people doing * to whatever they own, including their
> body. That's my opinion. It sickens me to see people that try to tell
> them 'No! I know what's better for you!' This is the same attitude that
> is gonna allow the MPAA and RIAA to do * to your computer, legally, in the
> interests of 'copyright protection.'
Flames? Where? This didn't look like a flamewar to me (at least, not yet--
give me a minute... ;) It sounded to me like people commiserating the fact
that others have to break up *, that would be much cherished by some, just
because they can't see a use for it. In a throw-away society, destruction
as entertainment should be avoided.
As for `* to your own body' (talk about topic drift!), well, people have as
much right to mark the current fads indelibly on their body as I do to
snicker at them. That's my flam^H^H^H^Hopinion.
Ob Classiccmp: How many non-wintel laptops are on-topic? My SPARCbook2
fits the bill I believe, are there any others? Not even clones or
nearly-clones, but honest-to-goodness Alternative Architectures?
> So, can we all just *pretend* to get along, and drop this silly thread?
> -- Pat
Received on Mon Aug 05 2002 - 20:32:01 BST
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