TRS-80 Model III

From: blacklord <>
Date: Sun Aug 11 20:24:00 2002

Hi Sellam,

> Now I know why stuff like TRS-80s and C64s were so derided back in the
> day: the shit just don't last!

Most of the TRS-80's here have started suffering from bit rot, but out
of the 40 or so C= machines I have, only 1 has a problem (fried CIA).

> On the other hand, I've rarely met an Apple ][ that didn't boot.
> Coincidence? You be the judge.

I have two Apple II's - one works, one doesn't - 50% failure rate!

In fairness though, I've had more failures with C64 power supplies than
I care to remember - but the 64's themselves have been pretty tough.



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