Microsoft vs Lindows

From: Jeff Hellige <>
Date: Tue Aug 13 20:17:00 2002

>I received a forwarded message that originated from They
>are in a suit with Microsoft regarding the use of "Lindows,com".
>Microsoft is suing Lindows for trademark violation. In the message,
>Michael Robertson, with Lindows, is looking for old documentation of the
>use of the word "windows" and "windowing" prior to 1983. I can't think
>of a better resource than this list to find these references. The
>relevant part of the forwarded message is quoted below.
>Maybe some of the list members can provide the needed info to

        I have here a full distribution, including manuals, of
'Concurrent CP/M with Windows For IBM PC or PC XT' which looks to be
dated approximately November 1983. This is according to the release
notes included in the manual, which covers some of the differences
between this and prior versions of 'Concurrent CP/M'. Taken directly
from the User's Guide:

- What is a CP/M Window?

        A CP/M Window is a viewport to a virtual console.

        There are frames around each of Concurrent CP/M's four
virtual consoles. These frames set the limit of what you can see in
a virtual console. The frames are called CP/M Windows.

- What Can You Do to CP/M Windows?

        You can move CP/M Windows anywhere on the screen, and make
the size of any of the windows as small, or as large as the limits of
the screen allow. Windows can extend beyond the edge of the screen,
overlap, or hide one another.

        There obviously is much more information than that. It does
state that CP/M Windows are usable in text mode only and that it is
possible to change foreground and background colors within a window
if a color card is available.

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Received on Tue Aug 13 2002 - 20:17:00 BST

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