PDP 11/70, XXDP diagnostics

From: The Wanderer <quapla_at_xs4all.nl>
Date: Thu Aug 15 07:54:00 2002

John Holden wrote:
> Johnny Billquist wrote:
> > This is typically a clock problem. You don't have a working clock in
> > your
> > system.
> I have added to my 'fixing a dead PDP-11', a simple test for line time
> clocks.
> http://www.psych.usyd.edu.au/pdp-11/hints.html

Nice info.

The problem with RSX was as Johnny Billquist already indentified due to a missing
LTC signal. This is solved by placing a jumper on the backplane to get the signal
on the bus when generated from the DL11-W. It is described in the FSE docs, so it
is just a matter of counting the pins and make the connection.

I have also executed some diagnostics, only cache test #2 fails partly, is mentions
a possible problem with the ADM. Besides that problem, the machine works fine.

So, I have now a nice running 11/70, and the only thing left to do is to
transport the RM03 one floor up into the machine room :=(



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The Wanderer                      | Politici zijn gore oplichters.
quapla_at_xs4all.nl                  | Europarlementariers: zakkenvullers
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Unix Lives! M$ Windows is rommel! | Kilometerheffing : De overheid
'97 TL1000S                       | weet waar je bent geweest!
Received on Thu Aug 15 2002 - 07:54:00 BST

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