Gnarly Z80 based desk/computer on eBay

From: Joe <>
Date: Mon Aug 19 22:52:01 2002

At 07:51 PM 8/19/02 -0400, Steve wrote:
>Noval 760 desk/computer on eBay. Like something out of Our Man Flynt,
>half the desk tilts up to expose the CRT and cassette drive! Z80 based
>and still working, somewhere in Kansas.
>No affiliation, and this one's so big I wouldn't even be interested if
>it were nearby.

   Damm! That looks cool! FWIW Olathe is just south of Kansas City. My wife is out at her company's headquarters in KC right now and she stays in Olathe. But I know she wouldn't bring this beauty back! But it's within range of Gary Hildebrand, Jim Willing, Jeff Kaneko and a couple of others.

Received on Mon Aug 19 2002 - 22:52:01 BST

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