Digitizing ancient cassette data (was Re: COSMAC VIP documentation)

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon Aug 19 22:59:00 2002

--- Joe <rigdonj_at_cfl.rr.com> wrote:
I wrote:
> >Somewhere, I have a cassette of CHIP-8 and most of the CHIP-8 games
> >from the VIP manuals...
> That would be "interesting"!

I may have found the tape. I _did_ find the paper index. It lists the
CHIP-8 interpreter and six programs: Space Intercept, Spooky Shot,
Shooting Stars, Drawing Tablet, Hex Reflex and Amazing.

I would play with it tonight, but the felt pad has fallen off the metal
leaf spring behind the tape, and the first few inches got wrinkled in my
player when I tried to listen to it.

The data is not sacred; I have the hardware and the manuals and I can
recreate the tape from absolute scratch, but I remember it took hours
and hours to successfully enter and verify CHIP-8 itself (the programs
are tiny by comparison). I'd rather not duplicate that effort, but if
I have to, I suppose I could.

Worst case, I'll have to type stuff in, then "save" through a PeeCee
sound card. I am a little concerned about mains noise, so I'm
considering building a 1A +5VDC battery-operated supply (trivial)
or recording to a laptop.


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Received on Mon Aug 19 2002 - 22:59:00 BST

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