>Today I picked up the subject item at a thrift. It seems to be quite
>similar to the Iomega Jaz V1000S except that it is a single platter
>thing instead of having four heads as the Jaz does. Aside from the PU
>name and a serial number it offers nothing else to help identitfy it
>Can anyone shed any further light on this critter?
PowerUser was the house brand name used by PC/Mac Warehouse. I know they
made a line of assorted equipment for the Mac, so I assume they also made
stuff for the PC. Most everything was just repackaged items made by
Based on the name, I would figure it to be a standard external SCSI hard
drive. A fairly standard item for the Mac, and quite commonly found in
the early Mac days.
I might even have a PowerUser SCSI drive kicking around some where (not
sure, I had a number of brands, I wasn't very brand loyal, so when I
needed a drive, I bought the cheapest... after I got burned on the
Jasmine/Rodime fiasco, I stopped worrying about who had the best rated,
and just bought on price and price alone)
Received on Wed Aug 21 2002 - 01:41:21 BST